Narrative Plot: 4 teenagers survive an airborne virus that has accidentally been released into England by the military. The boys (John, Ray, Matthew and Shaun) hide out in there school for security, but zombies eventually find them and break into the school. Which leads to John and Shaun running away from the zombies after retrieving something that could help them survive.
Target Audience: The target audience for our film 'Deadline' would be male aged from 15-18, we feel that this is the right age to target because of the blood, the dialogue, and the maturity of the film. We also think that people from 15 years and up can relate to the four teens.
Target Audience: The target audience for our film 'Deadline' would be male aged from 15-18, we feel that this is the right age to target because of the blood, the dialogue, and the maturity of the film. We also think that people from 15 years and up can relate to the four teens.
Media Languages: The style of our opening sequence would be to try and make the sequence as tense and also as questionable as possible. The lighting was set to be dark at some points in the sequence to represent the darkness of the zombies but also bright to show that there are no zombies about and they are safe. There is an enigma in the sequence, at the end of the scene where we see John, Matthew and Ray inside the safe house, Ray asks John 'Did you get it?' Which John replies 'Yeah'. This leads onto an enigma because the audience at this point in the film do not know what they are talking about and that they could have got anything.
Institutions: The distributor of out film is Columbia Pictures because they have distributed many other horror films before such as Zombieland, which hit the box office at a good standard rate. Our production company is called 'Bunny Hell Productions' because we wanted to think of a phrase that is commonly used and alter it so we sound unique.
Representations: The characters are represented as a group, where we have The Leader (John), The Hard man (Shaun), The Smart man (Ray) and The Brave man (Matthew). These representation are good for the characters because of the roles that they carry throughout the film.
Genre: The codes and conventions of the film are that everything is suppose to be horror and scary because the boys don't know whether there may be zombies near by and if there is danger around them. The text is very dark and gloomy and the title of the film 'Deadline' is shown in a very dark and horror text whilst being in a dark red colour representing blood and death.
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